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Mount Airy Mayor Visits Mt. Airy Composite Squadron

March 17, 2022

Mt. Airy, MD -- On March 2, 2022 Mt. Airy Mayor Larry Hushour visited the Mt. Airy Civil Air Patrol Composite Squadron at the Mt. Airy Izaak Walton League facility on Woodville road. Mayor Hushour assisted in awarding the CAP Crisis Service Ribbon to members of the squadron. Beginning in March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in CAP’s most noteworthy national service since World War II. Regular operations continued while new missions were explored, millions of meals delivered to the needy, thousands of blood donations were made, and distribution of masks and vaccines were completed across the country. At a time when simply holding regular squadron meetings was challenging due to isolation restrictions, CAP members served the Nation and ensured CAP’s continued operation. In recognition of this effort, CAP National Commander, Maj Gen Edward Phelka has approved the award of the CAP Crisis Service Ribbon to all active members serving during the pandemic.

Mount Airy Mayor Larry Hushour visits Mt. Airy Composite Squadron cadets  Mount Airy Mayor Larry Hushour visits Mt. Airy Composite Squadron cadets

Mt. Airy cadets are actively pursuing their goals in CAP with the following cadets earning promotions in recent weeks. Graceful Action to Cadet/Staff Sergeant, Dario Lavelle to Cadet/Airman, Isabella Tiger to Cadet/Technical Sergeant, Joyful Action to Cadet/Airman, Andrew Riley to Cadet/Airman, Christopher Fijn to Cadet/Staff Sergeant, Maarten Fijn to Cadet/Staff Sergeant, Tanner Matney to Cadet/Senior Airman, Alice McMillen to Cadet/Airman, Andreas Windsor to Cadet/Chief Master Sergeant and Sady Shafie to Cadet/Airman First Class.

Mount Airy Composite Squadron is comprised of both senior and youth programs whose members are drawn from Carroll, Frederick, Howard and Montgomery counties. The Squadron meets Wednesday nights, 6:45 p.m. to 9:15 p.m., at the Izaak Walton League of America, 6642 Woodville Road, Mt Airy Maryland. Have a passion for aviation, dream of flight, cyber defense, are considering a career in the military? Want to serve your community and enhance your leadership skills? Join us. Youths, ages 12 to 18, parents and adults interested in the cadet or senior program are always welcome to drop in. For more information, contact our commanding officer, Captain Nathan Rolfe at Follow Mt Airy squadron on Facebook at or visit the squadron webpage at

Nearly 1,500 members serve in Civil Air Patrol’s Maryland Wing. Last year, wing members flew 13 actual search and rescue missions. Overall, the Maryland Wing flew 32 missions for the State of Maryland, flying 2,245 hours in all mission categories, and was credited with four finds. Volunteers contributed services estimated at $4.6 million. For information, contact the Maryland Wing at or follow the wing on Facebook (@MarylandWingCivilAirPatrol).

For More Information:

2nd Lt Peter Foiles, Public Affairs Officer, Mount Airy Composite Squadron, (C) 914.456.9038

Photo credits: 2nd Lt Peter Foiles

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