Character Development Instructor
Chaplain Corps Character Development Instructors
What is a Character Development Instructor and what do we do?
A Character Development Instructor (CDI) is an officer or NCO who is appointed by the CAP Chaplain Corps.
Primarily a CDI receives special training to facilitate the monthly Cadet Character Development sessions, and the Senior Core Values instruction.
Secondarily the CDI assists the Chaplain Corp by providing administrative support, mentoring, and other duties which may be assigned in a unit.
CDIs serve at all levels in CAP. If a wing does not have a Wing Chaplain, a qualified CDI may be appointed as a Wing Chaplain Corps Coordinator.
A CDI may choose to become involved in Emergency Services. They receive training to support the Mission Chaplain by becoming a member of the Chaplain Support Team as a Chaplain Support Specialist (CSS). The CSS rating is only an Emergency Services rating.
Maj. Agatha Vogelgesang ( will be serving the all of Maryland.