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Character Development Instructor

Civil Air Patrol Badge: Character Development Instructor Officer


Chaplain Corps Character Development Instructors

What is a Character Development Instructor and what do we do?

  • A Character Development Instructor (CDI) is an officer or NCO who is appointed by the CAP Chaplain Corps.

  • Primarily a CDI receives special training to facilitate the monthly Cadet Character Development sessions, and the Senior Core Values instruction.

  • Secondarily the CDI assists the Chaplain Corp by providing administrative support, mentoring, and other duties which may be assigned in a unit. 

  • CDIs serve at all levels in CAP.  If a wing does not have a Wing Chaplain, a qualified CDI may be appointed as a Wing Chaplain Corps Coordinator.

  • A CDI may choose to become involved in Emergency Services.  They receive training to support the Mission Chaplain by becoming a member of the Chaplain Support Team as a Chaplain Support Specialist (CSS).  The CSS rating is only an Emergency Services rating.


Maj. Agatha Vogelgesang ( will be serving the all of Maryland.


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