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Air Operations

CAP Aircraft on the Flightline

How to use the WMIRS scheduling module:

Martin State Airport:  Martin After-Hour Operation of Runway and Taxiway Lighting

AFAM-approved Proficiency Flight Profiles, CAPP S71-4

Corporate Proficiency Profiles

MDWG Aircraft W&B Calculator

To request funding for Air Force Funded mission, please submit a request here

Are you a new pilot?

Here’s how to get started:

Visit the national CAP website for pilot on-boarding checklists.

Becoming a Civil Air Patrol (CAP) pilot can be rewarding and fulfilling, as a CAP pilot you are given the opportunity to fly aircraft that are part of the world’s largest fleet of Cessna aircraft.  In CAP’s status as the auxiliary of the US Air Force, the Air Force provides funds for us to procure aircraft to replace our aircraft as they age and to preform maintenance.  The Air Force expects all CAP members to respect the aircraft that we’ve been provide and treat them as your own.  CAP’s fleet of aircraft primarily consists of C-172, C-182, C-206, GA-8, all of which you could get checked out in.

As a pilot, you’ll come into the organization as a VFR pilot but depending on experience you can quickly move from VFR pilot to transportation pilot to mission pilot.  You’ll also have the opportunity to work with, and fly. cadets as an orientation pilot if that’s what you enjoy.  Some of these terms may be new to you but the information below will hopefully clear things up.

Although getting checked out in a CAP aircraft can seem difficult at times, it really isn’t that difficult when you look at what you can do for yourself, your community, and the nation.  To help you through, the unit should provide a mentor to help you through the process.  If you ever have questions don’t hesitate to ask your unit leadership, they’re in the position of leadership because they value CAP’s mission and all its members.

Although getting checked out in a CAP aircraft can seem difficult at times, the following web pages will provide information on CAP’s tracking system, the Web Mission Information Reporting System (WMIRS), and checklist of things to accomplish as you progress as a CAP pilot.

You can get a copy of the Pilot Onboarding pamphlet, CAPP 70-12 on the publications web site at: Pilot Onboarding Pamphlet

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