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Glider Operations

Rides are scheduled at each cadet’s individual convenience every Thursday through Sunday.   Rides are located at the Grant County Airport in Petersburg, West Virginia.

To schedule:

  1. Select the ‘Civil Air Patrol O-Ride’ option at the bottom of the following webpage to schedule a flight.   Be sure to include the info noted on the webpage (e.g., CAPID, unit, etc.) in the remarks section of the request when given the chance.
  2. You will then receive an email reply (typically within a day) with the specifics of the proposed flight; have this request approved by your unit commander and returned to the sender.
  3. Once received and processed your o-ride will then be confirmed.  That’s all there is to it!

SQUADRONS:   If your unit would like to schedule flights for several cadets on one day, please have a unit representative contact Brian Collins ( or 304-851-4106) and he will work with you to reserve an entire day for your squadron.

Reminder—all rides will be conducted at the Grant County Airport in Petersburg WV (directions available from

For some cadets this will be a longer drive; however, cadets can fly a couple o-rides during each visit (versus typically just one per day as was done previously) and there is no waiting around for your flight as you will have a reserved time slot to fly (hence this should take less time overall out of your day then before).

Camping is also available on the airfield property.  All glider rides will be via a ground-based, winch launch.  This exciting form of glider launch is very different from the typical aerotow launch (a video can be found on the below website).

Look for additional information on the following website ( for directions, information and a video.

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